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Jason Yantorn


Played from: 


Year Inducted:




Notes / Achievements / Contributions / Honors:

  • 3 time DSL Champion (2007, 2008, 2009)

  • Part of a team that won 27 games in a row (from 2007-2009)

  • Played in over 100 DSL games

  • 9 years as a manager (DSL record)

  • 1x Max Player of the Week

  • Offended more people than any other shit talker in league history

  • First person to streak across the field during a DSL Finals

  • Organized the first inter-city tournament (Also got very drunk and got his Korando stuck in a ditch)

  • Warned by league treasurer (Corey Sitar) to pay his beer tab more than any other player in league history

Jason Yantorn
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